How can I view and access funds in my SMSF with Selfmade?

With Selfmade, you can see all of your details, manage your compliance obligations and invest your money easily. We take the hassle out of SMSFs so that you can enjoy taking control of your super.

The facts 

It’s important to note that an SMSF must be run for the sole purpose of providing retirement benefits for the members or their dependants. That means you can’t set up an SMSF to try to get early access to your super, or use it to invest in personal assets like a holiday home or artworks to decorate your house. Using your SMSF for anything other than its intended purpose is illegal, and can lead to some hefty fines and penalties from the ATO.

However, the point of an SMSF is that you are able to be agile with your investments.

How Selfmade does it 

Although you can’t access your funds early for spending purposes through Selfmade, we make it simple to invest your super yourself. We take away the hassle of managing your SMSF by bringing it all to your fingertips in one intuitive, easy to understand dashboard. You don’t even need to organise a meeting with your accountant! Just sign in and see where your money is in real time.